A Tale of the Brave Wood Pigeon

Last year, a remarkable visitor graced our humble garden for the very first time – the Wood Pigeon. We considered it a great achievement, as these pigeons are known for their timidity, often fleeing at the mere glance of a human. However, our Wood Pigeon proved to be different. It would visit us daily, fearlessly perching at the bird table right next to our door, allowing us to observe it up close. We delighted in watching this plump, adorable bird as it waddled towards its meal.

This year, the pigeon returned, surprising us with its punctuality. Every morning, just before 8 o’clock, and every evening, around the same time, our feathered friend would arrive. It had become a ritual for us to greet the Wood Pigeon and witness its morning routine, coinciding with the start of our day.

Then, one day, the pigeon was nowhere to be seen. We made light-hearted jokes, suggesting that it must have had some urgent business to attend to. But after a few days, our friend reappeared, appearing completely different. It sat beside the seed bowl, motionless and disheveled. Concerned, I ventured outside to investigate, only to discover that it was injured and visibly weak. Our hearts sank. We realized why the pigeon had been absent; perhaps it had been too weak to make the journey. Despite its frailty, the pigeon had returned to our garden, remembering it as a safe haven. It sat there for a while before taking flight once more, which offered a glimmer of hope, indicating that it still possessed some strength.

Injured Wood Pigeon resting in our garden

The following day, we saw the Wood Pigeon again. It remained feeble, but it could now eat and drink in our garden without any immediate danger. This continued for a few days. Today, our cherished pigeon paid us another visit, enjoying a snack and taking a brief nap. However, it appeared even weaker and more unsteady than before. Surprisingly, it took flight once again, leaving us to wonder about its fate. We sincerely hope that it will overcome its injuries, but all the signs point to the heartbreaking conclusion that it may not survive. It saddens us deeply, and we are amazed at how attached one can become to a creature as seemingly ordinary as a bird…

As we reflect upon the journey of our courageous Wood Pigeon, we are left with lingering questions. Was it truly brave to trust us humans, seeking solace and sustenance in our garden? Or perhaps it was simply naive, unaware of the potential dangers it might face by relying on our hospitality.

We can’t help but wonder if the pigeon’s trust ultimately placed it in harm’s way, leading to the injuries it suffered. Yet, at the same time, we are amazed by the resilience and determination it displayed, returning to our garden despite its weakened state. It sought refuge in a place it knew, a place it considered safe.

While we hope for the best, we cannot ignore the signs that indicate the pigeon’s struggle for survival. Will it triumph over its injuries and regain its strength? Or will it succumb to its frailty, leaving us with a profound sense of loss?

Only time will reveal the fate of our dear feathered companion. In the meantime, we will cherish the memories of its visits and hold onto the lessons it taught us about trust, resilience, and the deep connection we can form with the creatures that share our world.






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